Improved yeast production methods lead to better ethanol production

Yeast has been utilized to ferment various foods and drinks since centuries, and technology has now enabled the creation of purer yeast cultures, which has led to improved yeast production methods, and subsequently better ethanol production. Yeast that has been fortified with key ingredients can now help small and large alcohol producers to extract improved yields from their mashes, worts, and musts while lowering chances of slow or stuck fermentation at the same time.

Ethanol fermentation is an important process in the manufacture of ethanol used for drinking purposes as well as for bio ethanol used for engines. This fermentation is done with the help of matching yeast that belong to the family of fungi. One of the most common species of yeast used for fermenting mixtures containing water with various vegetables, fruits, or grains into ethanol or alcohol is Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, which can be easily manipulated to ferment various types of alcohols and spirits such as beer, wine, whiskey, vodka, etc. Most variants of this yeast are produced in wet or dry form and are shipped in various pack sizes to small, medium and large breweries and distilleries where they are utilized during the fermentation process.

While efficient yeast production has enabled alcohol production to improve over the years, researchers have strived for improved versions of this yeast in order to produce stronger alcohols at a faster rate so as to lower costs and improve manufacturing efficiency. While ordinary yeast can ferment in mild to medium alcohols of up to 12 percent strength, it slows down or dies once the alcohol concentration increases beyond this limit. High temperatures during sugar fermentation can also kill ordinary yeast. However, recent research has enabled the production of hardy yeast that has higher alcohol tolerance as well as higher temperature resistance levels.

One such yeast that can bring a smile to the faces of alcohol producers is turbo yeast. This hardy yeast comprises of pure yeast that has been additionally fortified with micro nutrients including vital vitamins, enzymes, minerals and amino acids. These features make this yeast extremely tough and it can handle temperatures as high as 38 degrees Celsius while fermenting alcohol with 17 percent strength at a faster pace. These turbo yeasts have stronger yeast cells, which results in improved yeast fermentation that provides for a higher yield of alcohol from each batch while virtually eliminating the problem of slow or stuck fermentation that is the bane of most breweries and distilleries around the world. Thus, the production of improved variants of yeast can help ethanol and alcohol producers to improve their own production levels so as to end up with stronger alcohol in larger quantities, which in turn leads to lowered costs and higher profits.

While yeast is a critical component used in the production of ethanol, it is also very fragile since it requires constant monitoring at all levels. However, a hardy variant of ordinary yeast in the form of turbo yeast can help alcohol manufacturers get back in high spirits as this yeast can help deliver alcohol with high strength levels and that too at a faster pace. In short, improved yeast production methods lead to better ethanol production and lower chances of wastage so as to save time, effort and money for ethanol or alcohol producers around the globe.